GOA-Solutions® success stories

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"GOA-Solutions® methodology helped us to create the powerful excellence drivers which  accellerated our sustainable development!”

How can GOA-Solutions® help to our non-profit organisation?

Your not-for-profit organisation will be able to define its strenghts, areas for improvement and through better planning to reach sustainable growth and outstanding results.

Your organisation will find the way how to lead with vision and integrity where everyone involved understands the common aims and contributes to achieve them.

 By creating of culture of excellence you will succeed through your members who will become inspired, proud, motivated and strongly empowered.

Your organisation will bring the added value to your customers and all society through the well maintained communication, caring about their needs and delivering services they expect.

What are the advantages of implementing excellence with GOA-Solutions®?

Customised and affordable for everyone

GOA-Solutions® is a customised  methodology developed by internationally leading EFQM and Excellence experts. It is affordable for everyone, and you can find your own best approach of its implementation and get future outstanding results. Using GOA-WorkBench® as a part of the solution, you will start a comfortable and easy way to excellence with the only internationally licensed EFQM tool.

Time and finances saving solution

GOA-Workbench ® online software allows you to minimize the time needed for the self-assessment, which is reflected in reduced human and financial resources during the self-assessment process. As the main result from the self-assessment, surveys and development planning you will get practical and immediately usable results together with various EFQM and ISO based reports.

Easy implementation and administration

GOA-Workbench ® online software allows you convenient and simple way to launch and administrate the self-assessment process and online surveys together with the later development planning. Unlimited amount of users per one institution can benefit from the simple navigation and easy usage. EFQM experts regularly review and update the software content to fit to current needs of every organization.

Complex and integrated solution


GOA-Solutions® provides you a complex methodology that integrates various levels of Training, excellence tool and the optionally to be supported by internationally experienced EFQM professionals. The solution can help you with long-term approaches as well as with problem solving and  daily quality implementation!


Improved understanding of the whole organization

Optimised resource planning and utilisation

Sharpened the strenghts and minimised the weaknesses

Automated reports for the Excellence model and various quality standards



Regularly monitored, measured and compared results

 An integrated and sustainable strategy

5 easy steps to implement GOA-Solutions®

1: Decision to implement Excellence approach

Leaders of the 21st century are reaching the goals through the effort of all team members and their common continuous improvement activities. Schools where leaders are supporting the implementation of the excellence approach in their organisation achieve outstanding results, sustainable performance and a competitive advantage against others.


GOA-Solutions® provides you a complex methodology that integrates various levels of training, excellence support tools and the optionally coaching by internationally experienced EFQM professionals.. 


At the beginning of the process, free introduction is provided as part of each package. Our experts will help you to select the correct individual approach, help with the suitable assessment team selection, provide a realistic time planning and general management advice.



2: GOA-Solutions® training

In between the basic introduction and operational excellence implementation process the training is provided. Depending on the chosen GOA-Solutions® package, the various levels of training and coaching will be applied. In general the learning approach represents the blended learning methodology with mix of face-to face training, usage of electronic materials and the optional coaching provided by local or International expert.


The Training is organised in small groups of 8-12 people only. All members will receive the internationally recognised training materials (Case Study and Workbook) and at the end of the training a certificate of attendance.



3: Internal Self-Assessment with GOA-WorkBench®

After training and understanding the basics of the Excellence Model and Self-Assessment process, the practical activity can be introduced. GOA-WorkBench® online software gives you the possibility to apply the Self-Assessment with to your own organisation's assessment team or optionally supported by an external expert (coaching).


Self-Assessment itself starts with an electronic invitation of the assessment team and the delegation of the responsibilities inside the team. At this phase of the self-assessment,  you can also apply the various surveys and involve relevant stakeholders. Then the Self-Assessment as core activity can begin with the assessment of current performance against the 9 criteria of the EFQM Excellence Model, provision of relevant evidence, decision about level of urgency for improvement and provision of ideas for improvement.


During the whole process exists an automatic monitoring of the progress. The access for the self-assessment users is online to unlimited amount of users.




4: Data consolidation of results and improvement planning

After finalising the Self-Assessment by all members, the team leader or each criterion owner can consolidate the answers and edit the descriptions of organisational strengths. The-Assessment Team Leader can additionally decide about the final level of scores and the urgency for improvement as well as to select the suggestions suitable for the future consolidation and development of improvement projects.


GOA-Workbench ® will help you to manage the improvement projects and to define the specific indicators for each project about the responsibility, costs etc. The progress of real implementation of improvement projects can be easily monitored and updated.


This step can be done by the Assessment Team Leader via GOA-WorkBench® or alternatively with the combination of tool and expert coaching support.




5: Continuous improvement  activities

Self-Assessments should be conducted regularly and a proven period to do is through yearly repetitions that allow to measure constant progress. This helps to identify the drivers for continuous improvement and helps to strengthen the organisation is building up a culture of Excellence.


The next higher level of Self-Assessment follows the same approach, but starts to add the first level of the RADAR Logic of the EFQM Excellence Model, which asks for a more detailed analysis for each question. This gives a deeper insight, but is also much more time demanding and requires experienced users for the implementation.


At the highest Self-Assessment level, the GOA-WorkBench® reflects the EFQM Excellence Model in all its details and supports the full use of RADAR. 


A regular self-assessment does not only bring just the internal effect and results but allows also to apply for a formal EFQM Recognition or the participation in a National or International Quality Awards. 



GOA-Solutions® helped various not-for-profit organisations.

Take inspiration from them!

  • "GOA-Solutions ® solution is easy to work with for any person involved - the employees and even the students and the parents were involved in process of giving the suggestions for improvement."

    - Dobeles State Gymnasium Director  Inese Didže

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  • “The advantage of self-assessment and of the other inquiry tools of GOA-WorkBench® lies in achieving valid evidence in a very short time span. The inquiry is rapidly implemented and distributed, answers can be read with one click, analysed with a second. The self-assessment highlights strengths and makes your development potential trans-parent. On this basis, positive action supporting the university’s development can be formulated with little effort.“

    - Daniela Mäder, Zurich University of Teacher Education (Switzerland)





  • "GOA software is flexible and suitable for any type of school as small schools as well as large  ones. It is a valuable tool that helps to quick and qualitative assessment of the processes, take decisions and set new development goals."

    - Virbu elementary school Director  Sandra Bremane

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    "Sophisticated and systematic software provides a self-assessment that is covering all management fields while helping to define tasks for further development. The assessment methodology is comprehensive and modern."


    -Garkalne Art and general secondary school Deputy Director Inese Muižniece




  • "This software is easy to work with and it gives an advantage to proceed successully the self-assessment process while at the same time creating a school improvement projects."

    -Riga 18th evening secondary Deputy Director Līga Liepiņa


  • "GOA-WorkBench® self-assessment software allowed to every employee become involved in the self-assessment process and to express their opinions. Software is very easy to use and data in reports are automatically consolidated."

    - Jelgava Spīdola Gymnasium Deputy Director Ritma Tīrumniece



  • „One of the advantages of GOA-WorkBench® software is the possibility to fastly consolidate the answers from various assessors. We will definitely use the software also for the Latvian school acreditation and the organisational planning in general .”

    -Rīga Jugla secondary school Deputy Director Egīls Zīle