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What is GOA-WorkBench®?

Since 1996, GOA-WorkBench® is the only excellence support software internationally licensed EFQM. 


GOA-WorkBench® saves your time, personnel and financial resources, minimises the paper work and gives you a professional support which is recognised by many users across Europe.


The software is regularly reviewed and updated to fit to latest excellence model versions as well as the client expectations.

How to work with GOA-WorkBench®?


GOA-WorkBench® was created as an online solution, which leads you, easily step by step through the first steps on the Journey towards Excellence!


Before the first Self-Assessment as the starting point of the Journey to Excellence, a suitable assessor team has to be built and relevant stakeholder groups should become involved through various surveys. The evidences collected through this are consolidated the assessor team, followed by the identification of ideas for improvement, their prioritisation and selection for the implementation of improvement projects development. 


A yearly repetition of this process allows to validate the progress.

GOA-WorkBench® functionality


The principles of GOA-WorkBench® self-assessment module are based on the framework of EFQM Excellence Model with 9 criteria (Leadership, Strategy, People, Partnerships and Resources, Processes, Products and Services, Customer Results, Employee results, the Company's results of the main results) where all 9 EFQM criteria are represented by the list of questions.

During the self-assessment, each user is navigated through the catalogue of approximately 100 questions, supported by the explanation and assessment on 2 levels scale – where 1st scale means to give the evidence and score for the current situation and on 2nd scale you assess the urgency for improvement and provide the ideas for improvement. 

Steps of self-assessment
1. Selection of the team leader
2. Selection of self-assessment team members and other stakeholders, setting their responsibilities
3. Organisational self-assessment  
- Assessment of current situation
- Assessment of the urgency for improvement
4.Consolidation of answers on criteria level
5.Monitoring of assessment progress

Electronic learning materials

Electronic learning manuals as the theoretical base for working with GOA-WorkBench® are acessable to all assessors involved in the self-assessment. Easy language can help you to understand the Excellence basics covering Introduction to Excellence, Excellence model overview, Self-assessment and Continuous improvement description and application as well as to know how to work with GOA-WorkBench® as the Excellence supporting tool.

Online surveys

Survey module allows to collect qualitative and quantitative data through various online surveys. Survey Project Owner can design surveys from predefined-survey catalogues. The Survey Project Owner is responsible for survey administration as well as the survey progress monitoring. The survey results are generated automatically in electronical as well as printable and downloadable version.

Functionality of survey module allows to:

1. Design a survey from a predefined survey catalogue;
2. Update and delete questions;
3. Send survey to respondents using the unique survey link;
4. Monitor survey progress in graphical overview in each survey criteria;
5. Download respondent answers in MS Excel format (.xlsx) for further data processing;
6. Use the data collected in surveys as evidences when carrying out the self-assessment.

Surveys are anonymous but some of them may include socio-demographic data about respondents which can be used for qualitative research.


After self-assessment finalisation the various reports can be automatically generated in MS Word ( . Docx ) format depending on the role of the assessor. Assessment team member can generate only the reports representing his/her opinion while the criteria or assessment team leader can generate all various reports covering the consolidated assessment results and also specific reports as ISO 9004, ISO 29990, ISO 9001 etc.

Types of reports:
1. Self-assessment report containing the strenghts and areas for improvement and score for each criteria question;
2. Strenght report with consolidated answers per criteria;
3. Areas for improvement report which presents all suggestions as well as the urgency for each criteria question;
4. Improvement plan report with all improvement projects and it’ s indicators;
5.ISO 9004, ISO 29990, ISO 9001 and other quality standards reports which can used as the base for the ISO manuals or EFQM recognition application (C2E is a first EFQM recongnition level) and national accreditation standarts.

Improvement planning

Improvement planning is the logical next step after self-assessment process.

Improvement planning allows you:
1. Consolidate the suggestions for improvement
2. Transform the suggestions into improvement project plans
3. Improvement project planning:
- Define the responsible person
- Define the starting date and deadline
- Define the the costs and resource requirements
- Define the aims and expected results
- Record the achieved results
4. Monitore achieved results
5. Generate Improvement project plan in MS Word format (.docx)

Customised modules on order

GOA-WorkBench® is continuously improved and growing online product. To fullfil the expectations of each sector and client GOA-WorkBench® is very flexible and ready to be customized.

Examples of the customization:
• For the needs of educational organisations in Latvia the specific self-assessment module to fit the accreditation needs was created, in addition with customized improvement planning module and specific reports
• For the needs of Swiss educational organisations, the specific self-assessment module representing the local assessment framework and including localized administration hierarchy and user roles

If you feel that current functionality is not covering your needs or you would like to add the specific assessment or monitoring framework , contact us and we can flexibly  react and implement the missing functionality or specific module for your organisation.

User roles and technical support

1. Self-assessment team leader selects and invites the assessor team, takes part in the self-assessment itself, can consolidate the results from all team members and later can define the improvement projects. This user has access to all types of reports and the e-learning materials.
2. Criteria owner takes part in the self-assessment and additionally is able to consolidate the results from the specific criteria. This user has access to all ypes of reports and the e-learning materials.
3. Self-assessment team member takes part in the self-assessment. This user has access to personal results and the e-learning materials.
4. Survey leader (this person can be the same as the self-assessment team leader) is responsible for the selection of the survey and it’ s spread to respondents and later monitoring and work with the data.

Technical support is being provided by technical expert via e-mail or telephone by the local distributor.


GOA-Solutions® helped various not-for-profit organisations.


Take inspiration from them!

  • After EFQM implementation every employee understand their individual responsibility, targets and  relations between the processes."

    - Mydays (Germany)

  • "EFQM excellence model is for us as the service provider offering a comprehensive and integrated approach to excellence."

    - WIFI Oberösterreich (Austria)

     Read more


    "After introduction of Total Quality Management employees understand much more the common goals and their targets."


    - Assa Abloy (Germany)


     Read more


    While studying Innovations and Business in Riga Technical University I came to a conclusion that when you believe you do not have the necessary resources, you may find them by assessing with care everything you possess and by planning with care how to use the existing resources to achieve your goals. It is important that there exist tools which help to make self-assessment of your organisation and therefore to enable you to find the necessary resources. GOA-WorkBench® as a self-assessment and development planning tool is like a cardiac pacemaker.


    Rasma Pīpiķe

    Organisational development expert