GOA-Solutions® success stories

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average organisation

excellent organisation

Lack of team spirit and motivation

Inefficient use of resources

Unclear vision and longterm goals

High internal competition, low level of knowledge sharing and cooperation

Highly satisfied and motivated people

Effective resource planning and their usage

Integrated and shared vision by everyone

Effective communication, knowledge sharing and learning as a key success factor

...proud and happy employees, satisfied and informed society...

And what does the excellent institution mean to you?


While studying Innovations and Business in Riga Technical University I came to a conclusion that when you believe you do not have the necessary resources, you may find them by assessing with care everything you possess and by planning with care how to use the existing resources to achieve your goals. It is important that there exist tools which help to make self-assessment of your organisation and therefore to enable you to find the necessary resources. GOA-WorkBench® as a self-assessment and development planning tool is like a cardiac pacemaker.


Rasma Pīpiķe

Organisational development expert


Excellence brings benefits to everyone involved. Let' s make a first step to excellence with GOA-Solutions®!

GOA-Solutions® makes pathway to excellence safe and easy!

Excellence - management of quality for 21st century!

- In the 20th century many organisations were focused on auditing and quality assurance processes. In the 21st century, the goal of quality management processes is to reach sustainable growth and outstanding results through the excellence principles, continuous improvement and learning.

- GOA-Solutions® covers a complete package, starting with the user-friendly GOA-WorkBench® software tool and supplementing this with various levels of training and optional coaching which brings you the advantage of fast and easy acceleration of excellence process in five simple steps.

- GOA-Solutions® helps you to organise web-based self-assessment, consolidate the returned data, prioritise improvement ideas and transfer them into well-planned projects. The possibility to interchange face-to-face meetings with tele-work offers you the opportunity to work in less time pressed and more relaxed atmosphere, offering everybody their own personal benefit as an outcome from the Journey towards Excellence

Focus on continuous improvement, sustainable growth and find your Way of Excellence! 

Let’ become a proud team member of the excellent organisation!



Our partners and networks

GOA-Solutions® helped various public administration organisations.

Take your inspiration from them!


    While studying Innovations and Business in Riga Technical University I came to a conclusion that when you believe you do not have the necessary resources, you may find them by assessing with care everything you possess and by planning with care how to use the existing resources to achieve your goals. It is important that there exist tools which help to make self-assessment of your organisation and therefore to enable you to find the necessary resources. GOA-WorkBench® as a self-assessment and development planning tool is like a cardiac pacemaker.


    Rasma Pīpiķe

    Organisational development expert



    "Having implemented Excellence approach in our Agency, we have achieved the highest position among other Agencies in Lichtenstein, and we are considered to be an Agency that takes a great care of the provided services. We are proud to receive this kind of feedback both from our clients and our employees – almost all public servants express the willingness to work in the National Agency of Economics for Lichtenstein."

    - Christian Hausmann, Director of the National Agency of Economics for Lichtenstein

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    "According to School Rating in Latvia Dobele State Gymnasium acquired 3rd place in 2014. We believe that we may be grateful for our achievements to Excellence approach based on EFQM Model we have implemented in our school."

    - Kristine Pakule, Vice director of Dobele State Gymnasium

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  • "This software is easy to work with and it gives an advantage to proceed successully the self-assessment process while at the same time creating a school improvement projects."

    -Riga 18th evening secondary Deputy Director Līga Liepiņa


  • "We appreciate the easy and intuitive use of GOA-WorkBench® software, and the way we can monitor the progress during the survey. The whole approach allows to have an open information flow among all levels of employees and management."

     - Theo Smits, Quality Manager at Kantonnspital Luzern

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